20s, Energies, and Boundaries: A Young Woman's Take on Self-Care

Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not going to allow my own energy to be disturbed by anyone.

Protecting Your Energy

I think more people need to understand and realize that there’s no issue in wanting to protect your own energy and maintain your peace. Personally, I don’t see any value or advantage in allowing your peace to be interfered with for the sake of someone else.

Why it Matters

It may sound selfish and even a little harsh, but what do you gain by allowing someone else to walk all over your aura? Yes, you are protecting them, but what about ourselves?

Once you realize what’s serving you versus what’s not and you block out anything that disrupts your peace, life is just so much more fun and it feels so much easier.

Finding Inner Peace

I have to be honest, I’m still working on maintaining my peace. With the small changes that I’ve made, I’ve noticed that I feel less worried. It’s my life, and I’m not going to let anyone try and drain my own energy.

This honestly requires a lot of inner work where you unlearn old habits and become aware of what you bring into your life. This self-awareness can allow you to find true peace because you truly understand what’s positively impacting your life - you understand what you need/want in your life versus what you don’t.

We shouldn’t allow anyone or anything to f*ck with us.

Like how are you going to be disturbing me on my phone? Bye, immediately blocked!

I’m not going to allow anyone to disrespect or belittle me. Everything is a two-way street, and sometimes, silence is the best answer.

Learning when to speak up and when to stay quiet is a huge lesson that we all need to learn. We’ll have to choose between protecting our peace or pushing our boundaries. There are some things that just aren’t worth our energy - I want us all to be mindful of this. It’s so easy to react without thought, but I want us to at least be aware of this. Be aware of what may be disrupting your peace.

There’s no reason to put your energy into something that’s ultimately going to drain your own. Here’s to being bad b!tches with self-awareness, self-care, and self-love! Protect that energy, b!tch. 

too bad ain’t me <3

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Self-Love: The Ultimate Act of Rebellion in Your 20s

Listen, b!tch, I love myself. I can’t emphasize this enough. I’ve reached a point where loving and understanding myself has gone beyond anything I could ever imagine, it’s as if I’m dating myself. I mean, I basically am dating myself. I’ve learned the value of my own time and I’m continuing to learn more about myself and the world around me every day. 

We are all multifaceted people. There’s so many layers to each of us, and, let’s be real, sometimes, we don’t even understand our own layers

Using Self-Reflection to reach ultimate self-love

Learning how to love yourself and learning how to value your own time is not only about a bath, a face mask, buying yourself whatever you want, etc. Don’t get me wrong, that’s definitely part of self-care and self-love, but what about self-reflection. 

When you self-reflect, you learn and understand more about who you are. You become more self-aware of your thoughts, your actions, and your values. Doing inner work can have the ability to boost your self-confidence and self-love because you have that internal rather external validation. You begin to understand your own self-worth and it’s just a beautiful thing to see and a beautiful thing to obtain because you can then grow your higher self, your full potential. 

Obviously, this is easier said than done, and can definitely be more beneficial with professional help, but simply understanding what internal/inner work could be potentially done, is already one step closer to your higher self.

Do it for you

There’s always a reason as to why we do the things we do - it’s just a matter of understanding them and using them for your own advantage through self-reflective work. We can continue in old, negative patterns, or we can learn and grow from them. 

If you can give love to others, you definitely should put yourself on the receiving end, too. Learn how to give yourself that same love and learn what you need for yourself. It’s not selfish to want to spend time with yourself or to want more for yourself. It’s your f*cking life, bro. It shouldn’t be seen as so negative to want to spend time with yourself, or to achieve high levels of self-love. Self-love comes with self-reflection. The self-reflection work is definitely a long process, but when you achieve that high level of self-love, it will be so worth the wait. You’ll realize just how worth it you are, that you are a priceless human<3

I just want all of us to be our higher selves and to have the utmost love for themselves. 

too bad ain’t me <3

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Dive into Fearlessness: How Conquering the Unknown Leads to Life-Changing Experiences

Now is the time to take risks. 

I want you to really live your f*cking life to its fullest, with zero regrets. 

This is why we need to be doing things that scare us, because how else can we learn, grow, and have real experiences?  If we remain stable and comfortable, I believe it can be much harder to reach our full potential. 

Using failure as a value

There’s a lot of value in failure, honestly. I know that may have a negative connotation to it, but it really shouldn’t. You are only doing yourself a disservice when you don’t take risks solely because you are afraid of failure. This is for multiple reasons: 

  1. Everything always works in your favor

  2. There was definitely a reason why things took an unexpected direction since everything always works in your favor

That just means there was a detour to your destination. We can’t really think of it as a failure, just a setback

Taking advantage of the words you say to yourself

You really have to rewire your brain, take advantage of your self-talk, and understand that these setbacks don’t define you. It’s all about your reaction to it and how you further navigate it.

You can use it as a learning experience or you can stop and be negative about it. There’s always more than one way to have a reaction to anything. I encourage you to use the one that ends in: things always working in your favor.

This is all about how you speak to yourself. Unfortunately, it can be easier to feed into your negative thoughts, especially automatic negative thoughts or ANTs. Try to take a step back and ask yourself why you’re feeding into your negative thoughts. It’s just negative self talk, that ultimately doesn’t serve you.

Instead, try telling yourself every day: “everything always works in my favor” or “everything always works out for me”, you can even add “I’m so lucky, everything always works out for me”, because it truly works. Your subconscious repeats itself and that’s just exactly what’s going to happen. 

You know how your negative thoughts can begin to manifest? We do it subconsciously, which is why we need to change it to positive talk. Take advantage of your subconscious and rewire it to believe that you can achieve anything you want, despite setbacks.


TAKE THOSE RISKS, step outside of your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to fail. We have to really live and experience our lives, y’all! There’s value in everything that you do, and that goes with your reactions to your downfalls. We gotta have the downs to have the ups, let’s be real. 

Elsa said it best: into the unknown.


too bad ain’t me<3

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Fake it Til You Slay it: The Power of Confidence and Self-Belief

Live how you see your future self, that way you turn into exactly that. I can tell you that when you start to simply act confident, you’ll soon just naturally become confident. And everything just works out in your favor. Believe that.

Building Confidence

Walk around as if you own everything and as if the world revolves around you. Because, it does. 

Power isn’t given to you, you always have it. You are so f*cking powerful, use that. 

The universe always has your back. 

Tell yourself this, every day.

You have to believe it yourself in order for things to happen, for things to align

Your words are more powerful than you think. Whatever you say in your mind, whatever you say out loud, your mind is trained to believe whatever you say or whatever you put out there. 

For you boss b!tches

I truly just want you to understand how powerful you are - you’re a bad b!tch. Don’t ever forget that.

When you start being the person you see yourself to be, everything will fall into place. You have to believe that you’re exactly where you need to be and that you are going to end up exactly where you are meant to because the universe knows that. 

I know what you’re thinking, like “this f*cking b!tch” and YES, this f*cking b!tch LMAO. Show up for yourself. MAKE the change. Visualize your higher self and show up and act accordingly. 

You have the dreams and visualizations for a f*cking reason. Now act on it. Just let it be, show up, and be that b!tch. Trust the universe!! It always has your back. 

Let’s get it!


too bad ain’t me<3

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