20s, Energies, and Boundaries: A Young Woman's Take on Self-Care

Let’s get one thing straight: I’m not going to allow my own energy to be disturbed by anyone.

Protecting Your Energy

I think more people need to understand and realize that there’s no issue in wanting to protect your own energy and maintain your peace. Personally, I don’t see any value or advantage in allowing your peace to be interfered with for the sake of someone else.

Why it Matters

It may sound selfish and even a little harsh, but what do you gain by allowing someone else to walk all over your aura? Yes, you are protecting them, but what about ourselves?

Once you realize what’s serving you versus what’s not and you block out anything that disrupts your peace, life is just so much more fun and it feels so much easier.

Finding Inner Peace

I have to be honest, I’m still working on maintaining my peace. With the small changes that I’ve made, I’ve noticed that I feel less worried. It’s my life, and I’m not going to let anyone try and drain my own energy.

This honestly requires a lot of inner work where you unlearn old habits and become aware of what you bring into your life. This self-awareness can allow you to find true peace because you truly understand what’s positively impacting your life - you understand what you need/want in your life versus what you don’t.

We shouldn’t allow anyone or anything to f*ck with us.

Like how are you going to be disturbing me on my phone? Bye, immediately blocked!

I’m not going to allow anyone to disrespect or belittle me. Everything is a two-way street, and sometimes, silence is the best answer.

Learning when to speak up and when to stay quiet is a huge lesson that we all need to learn. We’ll have to choose between protecting our peace or pushing our boundaries. There are some things that just aren’t worth our energy - I want us all to be mindful of this. It’s so easy to react without thought, but I want us to at least be aware of this. Be aware of what may be disrupting your peace.

There’s no reason to put your energy into something that’s ultimately going to drain your own. Here’s to being bad b!tches with self-awareness, self-care, and self-love! Protect that energy, b!tch. 

too bad ain’t me <3


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