Dive into Fearlessness: How Conquering the Unknown Leads to Life-Changing Experiences

Now is the time to take risks. 

I want you to really live your f*cking life to its fullest, with zero regrets. 

This is why we need to be doing things that scare us, because how else can we learn, grow, and have real experiences?  If we remain stable and comfortable, I believe it can be much harder to reach our full potential. 

Using failure as a value

There’s a lot of value in failure, honestly. I know that may have a negative connotation to it, but it really shouldn’t. You are only doing yourself a disservice when you don’t take risks solely because you are afraid of failure. This is for multiple reasons: 

  1. Everything always works in your favor

  2. There was definitely a reason why things took an unexpected direction since everything always works in your favor

That just means there was a detour to your destination. We can’t really think of it as a failure, just a setback

Taking advantage of the words you say to yourself

You really have to rewire your brain, take advantage of your self-talk, and understand that these setbacks don’t define you. It’s all about your reaction to it and how you further navigate it.

You can use it as a learning experience or you can stop and be negative about it. There’s always more than one way to have a reaction to anything. I encourage you to use the one that ends in: things always working in your favor.

This is all about how you speak to yourself. Unfortunately, it can be easier to feed into your negative thoughts, especially automatic negative thoughts or ANTs. Try to take a step back and ask yourself why you’re feeding into your negative thoughts. It’s just negative self talk, that ultimately doesn’t serve you.

Instead, try telling yourself every day: “everything always works in my favor” or “everything always works out for me”, you can even add “I’m so lucky, everything always works out for me”, because it truly works. Your subconscious repeats itself and that’s just exactly what’s going to happen. 

You know how your negative thoughts can begin to manifest? We do it subconsciously, which is why we need to change it to positive talk. Take advantage of your subconscious and rewire it to believe that you can achieve anything you want, despite setbacks.


TAKE THOSE RISKS, step outside of your comfort zone, and don’t be afraid to fail. We have to really live and experience our lives, y’all! There’s value in everything that you do, and that goes with your reactions to your downfalls. We gotta have the downs to have the ups, let’s be real. 

Elsa said it best: into the unknown.


too bad ain’t me<3


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