Confidence is Everything: How to Embrace Your Inner Badass and Rule Your World

The best beauty tips come from within. However, it doesn’t hurt to look good outside to feel good from within, you feel me? A good outfit can change everything- it can make you feel like the baddest b!tch and give you the confidence that you need.

I used to always want to follow the latest fashion trend, look good all the time, but let’s be real, I couldn’t afford that. I still can barely afford that. But, what I did learn was how to elevate my outfit by investing in the right things. 

In this blog post, I’ll share you my tips on:

  • How to feel confident in your own skin

  • How to elevate an outfit

  • The #1 tip to make you feel like that b!tch

If you’re needing a boost in confidence and how to feel good in and out, keep reading! These beauty secrets will make you feel like the baddest b!tch. Bad b!tches only. 

How to feel confident in your own skin

You know what always makes me feel ten times better? A good outfit; getting dressed up. Looking well put together is honestly the secret to confidence. You know the phrase, “dress well, test well”? Well, it’s f*cking true- you’ll be ready for anything that comes your way. 

In order to do so, learn your own style. This is so important because when you look and dress for yourself, the confidence just rolls right out, trust me. If you’re having a hard time understanding your own style, play around with different pieces, play dress up; but unless you understand your own style, it might be hard to feel confident. It’s all about being yourself and being comfortable in your own skin.

I’m telling you, once you dress for yourself and dress in ways that make you happy, then you’ll move differently. But if you’re still having trouble feeling comfortable and confident, read my post How to boost your confidence with 4 simple steps. 

How to elevate an outfit

Let’s be real, we want to look good in order to feel good. And that is all true. You can make it look like you took your time curating the perfect outfit, when in reality, it didn’t take that long. 

You can have a very basic, simple outfit on, but when you just add a little some-some, it can make it look like you tried a lot, without really trying at all. This is why we need to elevate our closet and elevate our basics. I was inspired by Desi Perkins’ video on how she amps up her basics. (SHE inspires me)

I recommend investing in basics and accessories. Basics are basics for a reason. They’re basic. Lol say basic again. But literally, it also means they’re timeless. They don’t go out of style. So if we have good basics, it makes elevating them much easier. If investing in good quality basics is too much, that’s okay, there’s other ways to go about this. Just know that you may have to just continue to buy more basics which just makes it more worth it to get good quality basics. 

Anywho, I’d also put my money in good accessories. Accessories that are timeless. I spend more money on my accessories than I do clothes because good accessories tend to last longer and are more cost efficient. These are items like jewelry, bags, hats, sunglasses, and shoes. 

When we use our accessories wisely, we can get bomb ass outfits. Start with jewelry first. I typically start with earrings and necklaces and then build on that, based on the outfit. (I’d recommend having an everyday necklace(s) and earrings on hand at all times. I like to keep mine on a little jewelry dish so it’s easily accessed.) Layering necklaces and bracelets, in a careful way, can also help with elevating an outfit. 

If I want to dress up a look, HEELS. I’m telling you, the best way to dress up a look is heels. You can be wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and once you add heels, BOOM, you’re extra. You can wear sweats, and then BOOM, you’re extra. I’m telling you, heels will be a great friend if you wanna make an outfit dressed up. (My go-to casual, errand outfit is a big t-shirt and knee high boots). 

This doesn’t mean ditch the sneakers, though. You can elevate looks when you're wearing sneakers and that is with ACCESSORIES!! Get a little cute purse, some statement earrings, layer simple necklaces, and you are good to go. You can even throw on a lil cap, too. 

The #1 tip to feel like that b!tch

Posture. That is it. Roll those shoulders back, keep your head high. Walk anywhere and everywhere with purpose. As if you know exactly what you are doing, because you do know what you’re doing. You are being that b*tch. 

The combination of outfit and posture will make it all come together. If it makes you “unCoMforTabLe” then I’m sorry, but please, be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Just let people see you, let them know who you are. It doesn’t mean you have to walk around so extra and sh*t. I’m literally just saying walk with your shoulders back and head held high, it changes everything. It makes your confidence shine.

Let’s elevate our outfits. The thing is, it’s not even that time consuming to elevate a look. I’m telling you, if you feel good in an outfit, it changes the way you move. It changes your confidence. I want everyone to feel good and have that confidence. When in doubt, accessorize- bags, sunglasses, shoes! You don’t need to wear all accessories at once, be mindful. OWN that outfit, because you literally do. Keep your head held high and wear your clothes, don’t let it wear you. 

too bad ain’t me<3


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