Must-Have Beauty Essentials for 2024

image via Pinterest

When it comes to beauty essentials, the main question that comes to mind is: 

What is going to make us feel good? 

We think it’s crucial to use products that will ultimately boost our confidence and make us truly feel beautiful from the inside out. Though most of these products are helping externally, they, in turn, help us internally. When you look good, you feel good. Sorry, we don’t make the rules!

Let’s get into it, beauty essentials we swear by:  

Lip gloss/Lip Oil

We love a good lip product! We don’t want crusty lips. We stay strapped with a lip gloss and lip balm at all times, no questions.

Heatless curl products

Stop damaging your gorgeous hair with so much heat all the time! Heatless curl products allow you to wake up flawless. Allow yourself to save some time and save your gorgeous hair.


Please protect your skin and give her some love. Moisturizer is a must! 

A hundred dollars always sounds so insane for a moisturizer, and well, it kind of is. However, it’s an investment. An investment in healthy skin. We don’t come to play, this truly makes our skin feel amazing. 


Going somewhere without a mirror seems a little criminal. Yes, you can use your phone, but something about a compact mirror just makes us feel so pretty. 


Whatever vitamins or supplements you may need, please take them! Whatever may help you feel good from within, we say: do it!! 

For us, gut health is a big concern, so we take our probiotics and prebiotics very seriously. 

We want you to feel beautiful all year long, and what better way to do that than by taking care of your mind and body. Though these are all essentials for your body, we believe that it’s all connected to the mind; that when you truly take care of your body and feel good about yourself, you can train your mind to be capable of anything. You are capable of anything, don’t forget that <3

too bad ain’t me <3


Embracing Change: Continuously Creating a Smarter, Sexier, Better Version of You