Self-love, self-growth, self-care all year long + more: leaving the negativity behind

This is for the bad b!tches and the bad b!tches only, you know who you are. HEYYY. This is a friendly reminder that you can actually re-evaluate your life at any given moment, at any time. But since this is a hot topic, considering it’s the new year, let’s get into what we want more of this year and the sh*t we should’ve left in 2022. Actually, this sh*t should’ve never percolated, but here we go. 

Sh*t we’re leaving in 2022

1. Negative self-talk

I beg of you, please try to stop talking badly about yourself ): It hurts, because we are all bad b!tches, fr. 

I encourage you to get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle - on the left hand side, write down all the negative beliefs you may have about yourself; now, on the right hand side, correct them to positively talk about yourself. 

EX: I don’t like how I look → I am unique, I love every part of my unique self. 

With everything you wrote on the right hand side, take ANOTHER piece of paper, and write down that whole list (the one on the right hand side) again. Throw away, burn, or just get rid of that first paper (with the negativity) and keep that second list with you at all times. Whenever you have a negative thought, whip that sh*t out and remind yourself that you are a bad b!tch. In fact, read them out loud, to yourself in the mirror if possible.

2. Complaining

I said it once and I’ll say again, complaining isn’t serving you!!!! Louder for the mf people in the back, I swearrrrrrrrr. Y’all. Listen. And I mean, LISTEN. All you do when you complain is drag the energy down and your problems do not get solved. Keep that sh*t in your head, find your solution, and be done. If there is no “solution” to this little “problem”, then maybe there wasn’t a problem to begin with- so why are you opening your negative mouth? 

Now, there’s definitely a difference between complaining and pointing out facts - so if you want to learn more, click here(: 

3. That dusty mf

Do I need to explain more? I don’t think so.

MORE in 2023:

Moving forward, let’s continue to have self-love, self-care, and self-growth. Say it with me!! 

1. Delusions/goal setting

This year, we are being delusional as f*ck. There is no dream too big and nothing unachievable. I’m repeating it again, that negative self-talk, which is also your limiting beliefs, need to stay the f*ck back in 2022 - further, even, if it can. 

What do you mean you think it’s impossible to be a millionaire? Why? Why do you think that? There is no reason to think that!! You ARE the millionaire, babe- put that in your head. If you want it, you HAVE to believe it yourself. Look yourself in the mirror every f*cking morning and just repeat that you get everything you want and that you are the luckiest person ever. You have to believe it yourself in order for it to come to you - and trust me, it will. Everything will work out  because what’s yours is yours and the universe will give you exactly what you deserve/desire. But you literally have to believe it yourself. 

Manifest your dreams, b!tch! And just allow it to come on its own terms, don’t get too hung up on it. 

This girl on TikTok explained it perfectly. She said something along the lines of (I wish I could tag her but i can’t find her, so if anyone knows who said this please lmk), “when you’re on the plane, on the way to your destination, are you trippin about getting there? Does it fear you that you’re not there INSTANTLY. The answer: NO. So, what do you do? You fill the time - you read a book, watch a movie, etc. You do this because you know you’re going to get to your destination, you know it’s going to happen”. That’s similar to your desires. You definitely can manifest them, but you can’t rush things. Just allow that sh*t to happen when it’s going to happen. 

2. Self-love, self-care, self-growth

Learn who you are. Get to know yourself. Take yourself out on dates. Read a book. Learn a new recipe. Start to journal. Just be that b!tch. Be your higher self. 

The best form of self-care is self-love, honestly. 

Do things that serve your mind, body, and soul. You only have one body, so serve it as it should. Treat it like the goddess that it is. You are, and always should be, your number one fan. Me-time isn’t selfish - it’s necessary. Continue to grow, continue to succeed, and that’ll honestly make you smarter, hotter, and just an overall better human. Not only do you know what is in your best interest, but you’ll soon understand that your standards are not even high - just normal because you already treat yourself with the highest standards. Never settle for less. 

With all that said, I encourage you to write down your goals and continue with your self-reflections monthly. If you ever need help with goals or planning, click here for my digital planner that I’ve curated with you in mind<3

Repeat after me: everything always works in my favor, the universe always has my back! 

Here’s to a good-a$$ year filled with abundance, happiness, success, and whatever else you want to manifest!! 


too bad ain’t me<3



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