Entrepreneurial Queens vs. Corporate Baddies: The Battle for Time

Do you ever realize how much of our lives are surrounded by time? 

We are literally constrained by the clock. We think about it constantly, especially in a capitalist country, where time and money are damn near synonymous. We are obsessed with making money, which directly correlates to time. 

Everyone is constantly moving, trying to figure out their next move. 

I don’t want to live like that LMAO where the clock runs my life. 

Me and the clock 

I’m having a taste of what it’s like to have the clock run your life, and holy sh*t, y’all really just settled for this?  (A corporate lifestyle btw, if that wasn’t clear)  Working constantly, stuck in the same f*cking cycle - day after f*cking day. 

Don’t get me wrong, I really love my job, I just don’t get how people don’t get tired of this sh*t. Like wtf do you MEAN we only have a TWO DAY break in between five whole ass work days. 

That’s some f*cking bullsh*t. 

Inner conflict with time

Bouncing back off of how this generation is changing the workplace, we’re desiring for more freedom financially, personally, and socially.  I still want to work and hustle, but as an entrepreneur, not as an entity in a corporation. In a corporation, you’re running on their time instead of your own time. As much as I love my job, idk how much longer I can run on this kind of never-ending corporate clock. 

I’m really struggling to find time and balance between corporate work and my own passions. I want to give all of my time to my business, obviously, but it’s f*cking exhausting, b!tch - trying to balance being a corporate baddie, but also an entrepreneur. 

Being a corporate baddie isn’t all that bad. I am definitely learning so much, and think it’s a necessary step for me in my own personal growth, but it’s like, at what cost? Freedom?

The true struggle

The real struggle is being on a strict schedule. 

Listen, if I get a minute off of schedule, everything is f*cking ruined. And this is what I mean by running by clock time. The clock/time is literally running my life rather than the other way around. Do I want that? I mean, who tf wants that? Where every minute of your life is worth, essentially, more than money. Where you’re literally racing the f*cking clock. Like, bro, that’s stressful as f*ck.

But, hey, #GrindDontStop. 

Even though it f*cking should. Lol like slow tf down, let me catch a f*cking breath!!! 

Part of me is like, why don’t we just live off natural time, like the natural human beings that we are? Then the other part of me is like “WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK”, I mean, Riri said it best, amirite. 

So many struggles, feel me? LMAO

What y’all think? 

too bad ain’t me<3


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