How the Next Generation is Prioritizing Creativity over Conformity and Changing the Workforce

I love how we all know our worth and won’t let something like corporate America get in the way of that. We all will do what we need to do, to get to where we need to be, but we will not be treated less than human. 

We will not allow anyone to talk to us with any level of disrespect and we won’t be treated robotically either. 

There was just such a lack of empathy and knowledge before (I mean, we can def argue that that’s still a problem, because I mean, hello - but that’s a different story for a different time) that now, we are just feeling as if enough is enough. We want things to change for the better. 

I feel like there's more of a grasp to be our own entrepreneurs - we still want our creativity and energy to continue to flow into projects, just without constraint. We mainly just want to do something we love, while making money, and without feeling so exhausted all the time. There needs to be a good balance when it comes to working and living.

We want the freedom to live, not just survive. 

With rapid advancements in technology, there’s so much more exposure to things that we wouldn’t have seen before. There’s so much more widespread knowledge to be gained. With that comes responsibility, obviously, but it’s just so available, so why wouldn’t we want more for ourselves? Why would we want to be stuck in a cycle? Feel me?

I want to hear what y’all think about this. Or if you even think about this? Thoughts? Questions? Additions? Let me know, I’m so curious. 


too bad ain’t me<3


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