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The Second Coming: Is Second Puberty a Real Thing?

Being a woman in your early 20s

I saw this on TikTok LMAO but someone was discussing how women in their early 20s, around twenty-three years-old, go through a huge ‘rebirth’, some people were even going around saying that it’s a “second puberty”.

Let me tell you, I feel like I’m in the process of that happening and it feels like and, I cannot emphasize this enough, what the f*ck.

In our early 20s, most of us are going through a whole new chapter in our lives. Some of us may have just graduated from college, some of us may have just started college, some of us are entering the workforce, and some of us are just cruisin’ along the way. Whatever it may be, it’s a time for a lot of change and maturity. We’re starting to navigate so many different new places with a new perspective of the world. Honestly, it’s just stepping into adulthood fr - that’s so cringy lmfao, but it’s the hard truth. I’m not sure about you, but I can feel the maturity, it hurts. Like a whole ass adult, bro. A whole ass woman.  

On TikTok (lol not the TikTok references), I heard someone else mention that if you’re twenty-three, you’re technically a “three-year-old adult”. When placed into that perspective, it changes a lot. We are new adults and just expected to figure all this sh*t out on our own - I mean, as we probably should: we’re young, having fun, and getting to know ourselves even better. It’s just one of those “what the f*ck” moments, feel me? Personally, I’m just figuring this sh*t out as we go. I feel stuck between wanting to figure it out myself and wanting some guidance, but not knowing which one I want for myself because I find joy & satisfaction in doing and learning myself, but it definitely feels as if this is something where I need more support and guidance.

Where we find support & guidance

As we’re entering the adult world, we’re really trying to see who we align with and who we seek to learn from, whether that be mentors, professors, or any other figure. However, it may be hard to find just who we’re looking for, especially if we don’t know where to begin. For me, I want to be able to talk to someone who shares the same values as me and is in a place where I see myself in the future. I want to align with people who are where I see my higher self to be.

Honestly, this is why the internet is so helpful. One upside to it is that it’s a great platform and space for people to connect and learn from one another - you can seek exactly what you’re looking for and the algorithms will be algorithming, if you know what I mean. Most recently, TikTok has created so many different communities for basically, everyone - it doesn’t matter your interests because there is someone out there who you can connect with. You can align your consumption of media to be exactly what you seek.

That’s what I want here. I want to bring together young adults who want the absolute best for themselves; who want to continue to learn and grow; who want to be their higher selves; who sees their future beyond what it is now. We can make a difference from being bad b!tches.

Either way, this is where I want all the random ass thoughts to go. You know the list? On TikTok? The pregnancy list? That is bringing together so many women/people able to reproduce because GIRLLLL, I know we’re all learning from that. We have so much to learn from each other to reach our full potentials, I’ll tell you that much.

Life now

Whenever I’m going through a huge shift or new chapter of my life, I go through drastic levels of self reflection and self evaluation. I really need to just check on myself and visualize where I want this next chapter of my life heading and what the ultimate goal of this next chapter is.

Okay, honestly, it’s not even the next chapter - it’s the next book of my life series - that’s what we’re going to be calling it now.

Because of this self-reflection and deep thought, I’ve noticed that my style is starting to pivot… a lot. It’s really me still, don’t get me wrong,  just older, a little more evolved and mature. There’s only a handful of items that I actually like to wear from my closet, however, it’s mostly my basics LOL - which is why basics are so important in your closet btw (you can read more here for tips on how to elevate your closet)!!! I literally want a whole new wardrobe because I don’t wear half the sh*t I own anymore, like… STRESS. I remember this same exact thing happening from high school to college, so this can only mean: new beginnings are here!!!

I’ve cleared out my closet of stuff I don’t wear anymore and bought some items that I think are necessary for every woman in their early 20s - lmk if you want a haul(; I’ll probably do it anyways.

So, is “second puberty” a real thing?

Scientifically, no, but socially, definitely yes. Things are a lil awkward, we’re learning more about ourselves, we’re wanting new clothes - c’mon, that’s a little like puberty.

Anyways, it’s happening, and it’s hard, but with self-love and self-reflection practices, it’s a little easier to get through. Oh, need help with these practices? Shop my digital self-love planner, hehe.

Don’t forget, this time is ours- have fun, play around with your style, get to know yourself, take yourself on dates, meet new people, try new things, put yourself out there, do it all! This is truly prime time, our time, so let’s f*cking get it! But also, remember, it’s okay to have both ups and downs because in order to have ups, you gotta have the downs. It’s only up from here!!!

Here’s to always being bad b!tches, practicing self-love, and proving haters wrong.


too bad ain’t me<3

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