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Listen to Your Inner Goddess: Trusting Yourself in Your 20s

The best thing you can do is learn how to trust yourself and listen when your gut is telling you something

I cannot emphasize how many times I’ve doubted myself and my initial instincts, to come to realize that I was right in the first place. 

When your gut is saying something, please listen - in any scenario that you are in. 

If you’re getting any sort of feeling regarding anything, then, b!tch, you better listen! That feeling was there for a reason. This can be good, bad, and anything in between - just f*cking listen to your gut.  

I, like many others, trust other people’s opinions and what they have to say. But at one point or another, you gotta just put full trust in yourself. It’s not the easiest thing, at all, I literally am currently still struggling with it, but do you, trust yourself. 

You really gotta listen and allow your intuition to do its thing. 

too bad ain’t me<3

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